
Waleed Abdul-Kader
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Khald Aboalayon
Part-time Instructor, SPS Academic Program Director, MS Data Analytics, SPS
Gina Abudi
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business

Maria Acosta Cruz
Professor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture

Michael Addis
Professor, Psychology
Adeola Adebiyi
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Yinka Adebiyi
Part-time Instructor, SPS


Hamidreza Ahady Dolatsara
Assistant Professor, School of Business
School of Business

Nathan Ahlgren
Associate Professor, Biology
Andrea Aiello
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business

Taner Akcam
Senior Research Scholar, History
Sarmad Al Aloussi
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Ali Al-Faris
Part-time Instructor, SPS

JJ Alberts
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Hamed Alemohammad
Associate Professor, Geography Director of Center for Geospatial Analytics
Rand Alfaris
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Theyab Alhwiti
Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Business Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Sufyan Almajali
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Gio AlMuarrawi
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Awny Alnusair
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Nada Alsallami
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Saman Amighi
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Kat Andler
Associate Teaching Professor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech

Yuko Aoyama
Professor, Geography
Nancye Araneo
Part-time Instructor, American Lang & Culture Inst
American Lang & Culture Inst

Jeffrey Arnett
Senior Research Scholar, Psychology

Richard Aroian
Part-time Instructor, SPS Assistant Dean, STEM Programs, SPS Executive Director of Corporate Outreach, SPS

Eduard Arriaga-Arango
Associate Professor, Language, Literature & Culture Department Chair, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Abdullah Asilkalkan
Assistant Professor, School of Business
School of Business

Belen Atienza
Associate Professor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Jason Augustyn
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Kevin Austin
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Dennis Avola
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business

John Aylward
Associate Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Pasqualina Azzarello
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Atef Bader
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Sang Hoo Bae
Associate Professor, Economics

Gideon Bahir-Maschler
Professor, Mathematics Co-Department Chair, Mathematics Visitin Scholar, Mathematics

Davis Baird
Professor, Philosophy Professor Emeritus, Philosophy
Justin Balcourt
Part-time Instructor, American Lang & Culture Inst
American Lang & Culture Inst
Michael Bamberg
Professor, Psychology Director of Henry J. & Erna Leir Luxembourg Program
Maria Barluenga-Badiola
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Skyler Barron
Part-time Instructor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech

Todd Bartlett
Part-time Instructor, SPS Director of Experiential Learning, SPS
Mensud Basic
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Kenneth Basye
Professor of Practice, Computer Science
Computer Science

Dana Bauer
Assistant Director, George Perkins Marsh Institute Research Scientist, Economics

Anthony Bebbington
Professor, Geography

David Bell
Professor of Practice, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Christopher Benestad
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Dianne Berg
Visiting Assistant Professor, English

Philip Bergmann
Professor, Biology
Yelena Beriyeva
Distinguished Artist in Piano and Director of Chamber Ensembles, Visual and Performing Arts Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Sawsan Berjawi
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Anthony Berry
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Hannah Berube
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Asha Best
Assistant Professor, Geography

Parminder Bhachu
Professor, Sociology
Katerine Bielaczyc
Associate Professor, Education
Animesh Biswas
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Physics
Anastasia Black
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Elizabeth Blake
Assistant Professor, English
Oheneba Boateng
Assistant Professor, Political Science
Political Science

Robert Boatright
Professor, Political Science
Political Science

Elizabeth Bone
Associate Teaching Professor, Biology

Ramon Borges-Mendez
Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Anton Boutkov
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Michael Boyer
Associate Professor, Physics Department Chair, Physics

Mary-Ellen Boyle
Professor Emerita, School of Business Professor Emeritus, School of Business
School of Business
Nathan Braccio
Assistant Professor, History
Chester Brezniak
Lecturer, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Nigel Brissett
Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Halina Brown
Professor Emeritus, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

John Brown
Professor Emeritus, Economics

Nancy Budwig
Professor, Psychology
Sarah Buie
Professor Emerita and Research Scholar, Visual and Performing Arts Professor Emeritus, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Paul Buono
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Laura Burgess
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Nicholas Burk
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Michael Butler
Associate Professor, Political Science
Political Science
Kaylin Canon
Part-time Instructor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech

Barbara Capogrosso Sansone
Associate Professor, Physics
Audra Carabetta
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Esteban Cardemil
Professor, Psychology

Cynthia Caron
Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Edward Carr
Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice Visitin Scholar, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Amy Carroll
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Dean Cascione
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Patricia Casey
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Jose Castillo
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Linda Cavaioli
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Michael Cecil
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Richard Cehon
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Hao Chen
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Claudia Chilundo
Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Business
School of Business
German Chiriboga
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Valerie Claff
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Edward Cohen
Teaching Professor, Political Science
Political Science
Neil Cohen
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Caleb Cole
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Deborah Cole
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Fiona Collins
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Katie Commodore
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

James Cordova
Professor, Psychology Department Chair, Psychology
Meredith Corey
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Julie Corwin
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Paul Cotnoir
Dean, Becker School of Design/Tech Professor of Practice, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech

Ezra Cove
Professor of Practice, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech
Devin Cowan
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
John Crawley
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Elli Crocker
Senior Research Scholar, Visual and Performing Arts Professor Emerita, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

David Cuberes
Professor, Economics
Joseph D'Angelo
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Julio D'Arcy
Assistant Professor, Chemistry Carl J. and Anna Carlson Endowed Chair, Chemistry

Jessie Darrell-Jarbadan
Associate Professor of Practice, Visual and Performing Arts Associate Professor of Practic, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Kamal Datta
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Chris Davey
Research Scholar, Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Mark Davidson
Professor, Geography

Wiebke Deimling
Associate Professor, Philosophy
MaryBeth Dekara
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Thomas Del Prete
Professor of Practice, Education Professor Emeritus, Education

Jack Delehanty
Associate Professor, Sociology
Wes DeMarco
Teaching Professor, Philosophy

Eric DeMeulenaere
Professor, Education
Edward Denmark
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Jon Denton-Schneider
Assistant Professor, Economics

Patrick Derr
Professor, Philosophy

Johnathan Derry
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Dileep Dhavale
Professor Emeritus, School of Business
School of Business
Stephen DiGregorio
Part-time Instructor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech
Gino DiIorio
Professor, Visual and Performing Arts Director of Theatre, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Stephen DiRado
Professor of Practice, Visual and Performing Arts Gallery Director, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

John Dobson
Professor of Practice, School of Business
School of Business
Holly Dolan
Professor of Practice, Education Department Chair, Education Director of the Adam Institute
Martha Douglas-Osmundson
Part-time Instructor, American Lang & Culture Inst
American Lang & Culture Inst

Timothy Downs
Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Jacqueline Dresch
Associate Professor, Biology

Robert Drewell
Professor, Biology
Andrew Duncklee
Part-time Instructor, SPS
John Dunn
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Zachary Dyer
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Joseph Early
Part-time Instructor, SPS

J. Ronald Eastman
Professor Emeritus, Geography

Alan Eisner
Professor, School of Business
School of Business
Mike Elfland
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Brooke Elliott
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Priscilla Elsass
Professor Emerita, School of Business
School of Business

Cynthia Enloe
Research Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice Professor Emeritus, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Elliot Epstein
Assistant Teaching Professor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech
Alena Esposito
Associate Professor, Psychology

Lyndon Estes
Associate Professor, Geography

Patricia Ewick
Professor Emeritus, Sociology

Anita Fabos
Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Ariana Falk
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Fei Fang
Assistant Professor, School of Business
School of Business
Jin Fang
Assistant Professor, School of Business
School of Business
Joel Feinberg
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Odile Ferly
Associate Professor of Francophone Studies, Language, Literature & Culture Associate Professor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Robert Fernandez
Part-time Instructor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech

Jude Fernando
Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

David Fithian
Professor of Practice, SPS
Nevin Flanagan
Assistant Teaching Professor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech
Erica Fleitas
Part-time Instructor, American Lang & Culture Inst
American Lang & Culture Inst

Ellen Foley
Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Allison Fong
Associate Teaching Professor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Antonio Fonseca
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Deanna Foster
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Lili Foti
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Everett Fox
Professor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Samantha Francois
Associate Professor, Psychology

Abby Frazier
Assistant Professor, Geography

Julie Frechette
Part-time Instructor, SPS Program Lead, MS Communication, SPS
Lynn Frederiksen
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Linda Freedman
DNU COPACE Part-time Faculty, SPS Part-time Instructor, SPS
Karen Frey
Professor, Geography
John Freyermuth
Associate Teaching Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Sherry Freyermuth
Associate Professor, Visual and Performing Arts Director of Studio Art, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Beth Gale
Associate Professor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture

Donna Gallo
Teaching Professor, School of Business
School of Business
Yue Gao
Assistant Teaching Professor, School of Business
School of Business
Faig Garayev
Part-time Instructor, SPS
John Garton
Associate Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Mark Gefteas
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business

Jacqueline Geoghegan
Professor, Economics
Christina Gerhardt
Professor, Language, Literature & Culture Henry J. Leir Endowed Chair in Foreign Languages and Cultures, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Usman Ghani
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Cyril Ghosh
Associate Professor, Political Science Lloyd B. Politsch ’33 Chair of Law, Political Science
Political Science

Ayan Ghosh Dastidar
Assistant Professor, School of Business
School of Business
Kelly Giardullo
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Nicole Gilbert Cote
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Jessica Glazier
Assistant Professor, Psychology

Robert Goble
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Abbie Goldberg
Professor, Psychology

Sarah Gould
Part-time Instructor, American Lang & Culture Inst
American Lang & Culture Inst
Joed Graf
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Sergio Granados-Focil
Professor, Chemistry

Laura Graves
Professor, School of Business Professor Emeritus, School of Business
School of Business

Wayne Gray
Professor, Economics

Frederic Green
Senior Research Scientist, Computer Science
Computer Science
Deborah Greenebaum
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Jaclyn Greenhalgh
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Janette Greenwood
Senior Research Scholar, History
Katherine Gregoire
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Matthew Gregory
Part-time Instructor, Sociology Visiting Assistant Professor, Sociology
Gene Grella
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Tyran Grillo
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture

Wendy Grolnick
Professor Emerita, Psychology Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Alex Guardiola
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Connor Guerin
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Pawan Gupta
Assistant Teaching Professor, Computer Science
Computer Science

Mandy Gutmann-Gonzalez
Associate Professor of Practice, English Associate Professor of Practic, English
Joseph Guzman
Assistant Professor, Sociology

Aaron Haddock
Associate Professor of Practice, Education Associate Professor of Practic, Education
Joseph Halko
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Tim Hally
Part-time Instructor, School of Business Part-time Instructor, SPS
School of Business
Liz Hamilton
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Li Han
Professor, Computer Science
Computer Science

Danielle Hanley
Assistant Professor, Political Science
Political Science
Ravi Hanumantha
Visiting Assistant Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Katherine Harrington
Visiting Assistant Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Sarah Harrington
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Marta Havryshko
Visiting Assistant Professor, Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Amy Heberle
Associate Professor, Psychology
Steven Heise
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Scott Hendricks
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Thomas Herald
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business

David Hibbett
Professor, Biology Andrea B. and Peter D. Klein '64 Distinguished Professor
Jennifer Hilton
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
David Hofstetter
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Gary Holness
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Computer Science

Kuy Howard
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture

Betsy Huang
Professor, English

Denise Humphreys Bebbington
Research Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Daniel Hunt
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Shuanghong Huo
Professor, Chemistry

Elizabeth Imber
Assistant Professor, History

Chandra Jack
Assistant Professor, Biology

Charles Jakobsche
Associate Professor, Chemistry
Frank Jenkins
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Letina Jeranyama
Associate Professor of Practice, Education Associate Professor of Practic, Education
Jan Johnson
Part-time Prof of Practice, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Matt Johnston
Part-time Instructor, American Lang & Culture Inst
American Lang & Culture Inst

Robert Johnston
Professor, Economics Director of the George Perkins Marsh Institute
Calida Jones
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

David Jordan
Dean, School of Business Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business

Dolores Juan-Moreno
Associate Teaching Professor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Manya Kagan
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Leora Kahn
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Sandra Kane
Part-time Instructor, American Lang & Culture Inst
American Lang & Culture Inst
Edward Karcasinas
DNU COPACE Part-time Faculty, SPS Part-time Instructor, SPS
Julia Karpicz
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Frank Kartheiser
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Lisa Kasmer
Associate Professor, English Department Chair, English
David Kassel
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Jeremy Kauffman
Assistant Teaching Professor, SPS
Michael Keating
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Lauren Kendzierski
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Steven Kennedy
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business

Nana Kesse
Assistant Professor, History
Elahe Khalili Samani
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Firas Khasawneh
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Hyungsin Kim
Visiting Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Computer Science
Matthew Kim
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Willem Klooster
Professor, History
Benjamin Korstvedt
Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Michael Krikonis
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Arshad Kudrolli
Professor, Physics

Thomas Kuehne
Professor, History Director of the Strassler Family Center

Dominik Kulakowski
Professor, Geography

Nina Kushner
Associate Professor, History
Ashley L'Esperance
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

John LaBrie
Professor of Practice, SPS
Kirstin Lamb
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Justin Laplante
Visiting Assistant Professor, Psychology

Denis Larochelle
Professor, Biology Medical Careers Director, Biology
Eman Lasheen
Assistant Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Enrique Laso Sanz
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Betty Lauer
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Nastasia Lawton-Sticklor
Research Scientist, Education Part-time Instructor, SPS

Noel Lazo
Professor, Chemistry
Brian LeBlanc
Part-time Instructor, SPS Professor of Practice, SPS
Paul Ledoux
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Beck Hing Lee
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Jamie Leehy
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Jonathan Leiberman
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Phil Lemos
Visiting Assistant Professor, English Creative Writing Coordinator, English

Stephen Levin
Associate Professor, English Director of Graduate Studies, English
Michael Liebhauser
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Doug Little
Professor Emeritus, History
Kevin Longo
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Lex Lu
Associate Professor, History
Mengliu Lu
Assistant Teaching Professor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech
Laury Lucien
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Siu Ming Luie
Professor of Practice, School for Professional Studies Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs, School for Professional Studies Part-time Instructor, SPS
School for Professional Studies
Lisa Lynch
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Michael Lynch
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Kelly Lynema
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Ali Maalaoui
Professor, Mathematics Department Chair, Mathematics
James MacDonald
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Ken MacLean
Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice Professor, Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Sustainability and Social Justice
Heather Macpherson
Part-time Instructor, Writing Center
Writing Center

Kathryn Madden
Visiting Lecturer, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Paige Mador
Part-time Instructor, SPS

John Magee
Dean of the College Associate Professor, Computer Science
Computer Science
Andrew Mahoney
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Matt Malsky
Professor, Visual and Performing Arts Tina Sweeney, M.A. '49, Endowed Chair in Music Director of MCA, Visual and Performing Arts Director of Higgins School for the Humanities
Visual and Performing Arts

Hugh Manon
Associate Professor, Visual and Performing Arts Department Chair, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Cailin Manson
Professor of Practice, Visual and Performing Arts Director of Music, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Ana Kamille Marcelo
Associate Professor, Psychology
Melinda Marchand
Visiting Assistant Professor, History
Stephanie Marchetti
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Deborah Martin
Professor, Geography
Paula Martin
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Tsitsi Masvawure
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Kaitlyn Mathis
Associate Professor, Biology
James Maurelle
Assistant Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Ilir Mborja
Assistant Teaching Professor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech
Eric Mbunwe
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Darryll McCall
Part-time Instructor, SPS

James McCarthy
Professor, Geography
Scott McCarthy
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Drew McCoy
Professor Emeritus, History

Erin McCullough
Assistant Professor, Biology
Kevin McGerigle
Associate Professor of Practice, Visual and Performing Arts Associate Professor of Practic, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Samantha McGill
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Billy McGowan
Part-time Instructor, American Lang & Culture Inst
American Lang & Culture Inst
Siobhan McGrath
Associate Professor, Geography
Sarah McMaster
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Deborah Merrill
Professor, Sociology

Néva Meyer
Associate Professor, Biology

Sarah Michaels
Professor Emerita, Education Professor Emeritus, Education
John Mitchell
Part-time Instructor, SPS
John Mollica
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Jacqueline Morrill
Part-time Instructor, Writing Center Visiting Assistant Professor, English Part-time Instructor, English
Writing Center
Kerry Morris
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Demitrios Moschos
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Talia Mugg
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Ranjan Mukhopadhyay
Associate Professor, Physics
Raymond Munro
Professor Emeritus, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Alexander Murphy
Assistant Professor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture

James Murphy
Professor, Geography Director, Geography

Thomas Murphy
Professor of Practice, School of Business
School of Business

Laura Myers
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Arundhati Nag
Associate Professor, Chemistry
Erin Nerlino
Associate Professor of Practice, Education Associate Professor of Practic, Education
Meredith Neuman
Associate Professor, English

Steve Ng
Associate Professor of Practice, School of Business Associate Professor of Practic, School of Business
School of Business
Eric Nichols
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Scott Niemi
Teaching Professor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech

Shuo Niu
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Computer Science

Jeff Noh
Part-time Instructor, English
Joseph O'Brien
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Will O'Brien
Professor of Practice, School of Business
School of Business
Elizabeth O'Connell-Inman
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Kat O'Connor
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Timothy O'Connor
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Carmen Ocon
Associate Professor of Practice, Education Associate Professor of Practic, Education
Carlos Odria
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger
Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Olamide Olajuwon-Ige
Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Business
School of Business

Gustavo Oliveira
Assistant Professor, Geography
Emmanuel Opoku
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Marcela Otalora
Associate Teaching Professor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture

Nicole Overstreet
Associate Professor, Psychology
Ibrahim Ozdemir
Visiting Assistant Professor, CGRAS Part-time Instructor, CGRAS
Natalie Palley
Part-time Instructor, American Lang & Culture Inst
American Lang & Culture Inst

Kathleen Palm Reed
Associate Professor, Psychology

Sitikantha Parida
Associate Professor, School of Business
School of Business

Jie Park
Associate Professor, Education
Jisoo Park
Assistant Professor, School of Business
School of Business

Alexander Petroff
Associate Professor, Physics
Chiara Pidatella
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Mary Piecewicz
Part-time Instructor, SPS Professor of Practice, SPS

Naomi Pitamber
Assistant Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Robert Pontius
Professor, Geography
Paul Posner
Associate Professor, Political Science
Political Science

Margaret Post
Research Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Alex Poukchanski
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Ousmane Power-Greene
Professor, History
Joanne Qu
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Emiko Rafique
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Kristin Rainey
Part-time Instructor, School of Business Part-time Instructor, American Lang & Culture Inst
School of Business
Khiran Raj
Part-time Instructor, American Lang & Culture Inst
American Lang & Culture Inst
Gabe Ramey
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Muhammad Ramzan
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Joseph Ray
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Robert Ream
Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Melissa Richardson
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Amy Richter
Professor, History Department Chair, History

Max Ritts
Assistant Professor, Geography
Angel Rivera
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture

Juan Pablo Rivera
Associate Professor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture

Deborah Robertson
Professor, Biology Department Chair, Biology

John Rogan
Professor, Geography

Raphael Rogers
Professor of Practice, Education
Lionel Romain
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Amanda Romano Foreman
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Grechel Rosado
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Laurie Ross
Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice Director, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Jason Rossi
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Rinku Roy Chowdhury
Professor, Geography

Sebastian Royo
Professor, Political Science Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Political Science
Seth Rubin
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Morgan Ruelle
Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Jerry Sabatini
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Jennifer Safford-Farquharson
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Monica Sager
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Adam Saltsman
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Jed Samer
Associate Professor, Visual and Performing Arts Visitin Scholar, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Zoe Samudzi
Visiting Assistant Professor, Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Katarzyna Sanak-Kosmowska
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Florencia Sangermano
Associate Professor, Geography
Diane Santoro
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Melizza Santram-Chernov
Part-time Instructor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech

Michael Satz
Teaching Professor, Mathematics

Suzanne Scoggins
Associate Professor, Political Science
Political Science
Elyse Semerdjian
Professor, History

Kourtney Senquiz
Visiting Assistant Professor, English Part-time Instructor, English

Inshik Seol
Professor Emeritus, School of Business
School of Business

Ravi Sharma
Professor, Philosophy Department Chair, Philosophy

Justin Shaw
Assistant Professor, English
Nicole Shaw
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts


Gohar Siddiqui
Assistant Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Heather Silber Mohamed
Associate Professor, Political Science
Political Science
Teresa Simoneau-Berquez
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Toby Sisson
Associate Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Kevin Slatkavitz
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Luis Smith
Associate Professor, Chemistry Department Chair, Chemistry

Soren Sorensen
Associate Teaching Professor, Visual and Performing Arts Director of Screen Studies, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Kelley Southwick
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Robert Spellane
Part-time Instructor, SPS Professor of Practice, SPS Executive Director, MPA Senior Leadership, SPS

Valerie Sperling
Professor, Political Science
Political Science

Don Spratt
Associate Professor, Chemistry
Edlira Stefani
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Natalia Sternberg
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Rae Stevenson
Assistant Professor, Education

Andrew Stewart
Associate Professor, Psychology

Peter Story
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Computer Science
Minka Stoyanova
Assistant Teaching Professor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech
Eric Stratton
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Peter Sulski
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Kensuke Suzuki
Assistant Professor, Economics

Michael Swartz
Associate Teaching Professor, Becker School of Design/Tech Part-time Instructor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech
Dorothy Swope
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Chris Synodinos
Visiting Assistant Professor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture

Ora Szekely
Associate Professor, Political Science
Political Science
Tomoko Takagi
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Sun Tam
Part-time Instructor, SPS Program Lead, B.S. Biotechnology, SPS

Zhenyang Tang
Associate Professor, School of Business
School of Business

Frances Tanzer
Associate Professor, History
Jennifer Targett
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business

Shelly Tenenbaum
Professor, Sociology

Justin Thackeray
Professor, Biology
Amanda Theinert
Associate Professor of Practice, Becker School of Design/Tech Assistant Teaching Professor, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech
Barbara Thomas-Slayter
Professor Emeritus, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Christopher Thompson
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Abigail Torres Rico
Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Business Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business

Rosalie Torres Stone
Associate Professor, Sociology Department Chair , Sociology
Karen Torti
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Erica Tortolani
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Rebecca Townsend
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Rhys Townsend
Professor Emeritus, Visual and Performing Arts Senior Research Scholar, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
John Traphagan
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture

Spencer Tricker
Assistant Professor, English
Jason Trinklein
Part-time Instructor, SPS Director of IT Infrastructure, SPS

Magda Tsaneva
Associate Professor, Economics
Lewis Tseng
Associate Professor, Computer Science Part-time Instructor, Computer Science
Computer Science
Mark Turnbull
Senior Research Scientist, Chemistry
Laura Twohig
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Terrasa Ulm
Professor of Practice, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech

Alice Valentine
Professor Emeritus, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Jacob VanRyn
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Vasilia Vasiliou
Assistant Teaching Professor, School of Business
School of Business

Catalin Veghes
Visiting Lecturer, Computer Science
Computer Science

Johanna Vollhardt
Associate Professor, Psychology
Bill Waas
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Ruixiang Wang
Assistant Professor, School of Business
School of Business
Yu-Han Wang
Research Associate, Becker School of Design/Tech
Becker School of Design/Tech

Zhihong Wang
Associate Professor, School of Business
School of Business
Daniel Ward
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Maura Webster
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Joseph Weinberg
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Edouard Wemy
Associate Professor, Economics
Brent Wetters
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts

Rachel White
Part-time Instructor, SPS

Christopher Williams
Professor, Geography

Kristen Williams
Professor, Political Science
Political Science

Kristina Wilson
Professor, Visual and Performing Arts Director of Art History, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Rodney Witherspoon
Part-time Instructor, Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts
Walter Wright
Professor Emeritus, Philosophy Professor Emeritus, Sustainability and Social Justice
Samantha Wright Calero
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Da Wu
Assistant Professor, School of Business
School of Business

Peter Wyner
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Atefeh Yazdanparast Ardestani
Associate Professor, School of Business
School of Business

Kyunghee Yoon
Assistant Professor, School of Business
School of Business
Ulysses Youngblood
Part-time Instructor, School of Business
School of Business
Shasha Yu
Part-time Instructor, SPS
Robert Zarges
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice

Jing Zhang
Professor, School of Business
School of Business

Junfu Zhang
Professor, Economics Department Chair, Economics
Yanna Zhang
Part-time Instructor, Language, Literature & Culture
Language, Literature & Culture
Hong Zhou
Assistant Teaching Professor, School of Business
School of Business
Honglei Zhu
Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice
Sustainability and Social Justice
Jessica Zinger
Part-time Instructor, School of Business